How to turn communication around

There is an idealistic and romantic belief that society can become so connected, that we function as one well-oiled unit. A land of peace, productivity, happiness and fulfillment. Yet in our quest to creating open and more connected spaces, we ironically use sides, cliques, righteousness and division as tools of unity. A world according to me,…

Tell lies, just don’t lie to ME!

It’s so much easier to just lie sometimes. It’s even beneficial at times – as if you’d ever admit to the police officer that you were intentionally speeding. Some lies keep the peace; telling your girlfriend that she looks fat in her new dress or that you don’t like someone’s cooking isn’t going to win…

What to do when the wave crashes over you

Beware your thoughts for they become your words. Beware your words for they become your actions. Beware your actions for they become your habits. Beware your habits for they become your character. And beware your character for it becomes your destiny. – The Tao I’ve really come to appreciate and respect my thoughts as complex…