Pauly Ting
I'll help you choose wisely
Sometimes it can feel there are just so many choices to make.
Right choices, wrong choices; choices that leave us damned if we do, and damned if we don’t. So how do we make the best choices?
* * *
I’ve walked the path of a creator, a startup founder, a writer, a sales person, an artist, a UX designer, a partner, a husband, an ex, a brother, a son, an inventor, an advisor, a behavioralist, a technician, a coach, a leader, and a CEO.
While each path was different, they connected me with people from all walks of life, in unique situations, and with personal definitions of success, happiness, and fulfillment.
From farmlands, to boardrooms, construction sites, production sets, and tech scrums in multiple countries, I’ve enjoyed experiencing human beings going through the process of wanting to improve their lives.
Despite each path being so different, they had one common theme:
How we handle change and uncertainty dictates the choices we make.
For over twenty years, I’ve been immersed in how we handle the constant forks in the road; how we evaluate the variables that shape both our experience of life, and the outcomes we create.
How I can help
I'll help you choose wisely
I’m not walking your exact path, and you aren’t walking mine, but we do share something in common — we’ve both made significant choices that have ultimately shaped our lives.
Small choices. Bigger choices. Life changing choices.
I’m not walking your exact path, and you aren’t walking mine, but we do share something in common — we’ve both made significant choices that have ultimately shaped our lives.
Small choices. Bigger choices. Life changing choices.
Seemingly insignificant choices, that led to serious forks in the road.
* * *
Perhaps you are are faced with decision fatigue.
Perhaps you are stuck in a moral quandary.
Perhaps you feel like all your options are terrible.
Perhaps you feel scared to make a choice.
Perhaps you don’t know what to choose anymore.
People I've Helped
People I've Helped



My back story
The Wisdom of my Adventure
From the shores of coastal California, to the bush land of rural Australia, my path has weaved me through many different lifestyles, communities, and ways to be in life.
My biggest teenage adventure was navigating boarding school where I was challenged for being bi-racial, for questioning authority, and for living by my own principles in a heavily institutionalised environment.
The adventure of my twenties was founding and exiting two tech startups during the 2008 recession, moving to San Francisco with a dream but no plan, and feeling completely out of my depth at times — but showing up anyway.
During this time I began consciously investing in myself to find, define, and love my own lane in a world of constant noise and judgment of what to do, and who to be.
My thirties saw me get married then divorced, but create a deep friendship with my ex, move back and forth across the world, change my creator direction again, and explore the world of alternate relationship dynamics.
I have come to love that I see and feel the world differently; that I have gained perspectives, skills, and tools that can only be gained through the experience of leaning into the challenges of life.
My favorite moments in life have been in all the people I’ve met, the things we’ve created together, and doing all kinds of things that fear said I shouldn’t do.
The Wisdom of my Adventure has taught me to love all the sweet and sour parts of the journey equally, despite the circumstances.
It’s taught me that I can create what I want and need from any foundation, and that by accepting the fear that tells me I’m not good enough, I can leverage with love, rather than flounder with fear.
What’s the Wisdom of yours?